
  • AMS Fall Southeastern Sectional Special Session
  • AMS Fall Western Sectional Special Session


  • Group Actions, Groups, and Geometry

    Endotrivial complexes, July 2024

  • Groups and Algebras in Bicocca for Young Algebraists (GABY 2024)

    Endotrivial complexes, June 2024

  • RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau Algebra Seminar

    The classification of endotrivial complexes, June 2024

  • Groups and their Actions: Algebraic, Geometric and Combinatorial Aspects

    Endotrivial complexes, June 2024

  • Representation Theory and Related Geometry: Progress and Prospects

    Endotrivial complexes, May 2024

  • UCLA Algebra Seminar

    On endotrivial complexes and the generalized Dade group, May 2024

  • UC Santa Cruz Algebra and Number Theory Seminar

    On endotrivial complexes and the generalized Dade group, May 2024

  • AMS Spring Sectional, San Francisco State University, Special Session on Group and Representation Theory

    On endotrivial complexes and the generalized Dade group, May 2024

  • University of San Francisco Math Colloquium

    What is Representation Theory? April 2024

  • University of Arizona Algebra Seminar

    Endotrivial complexes, January 2024

  • JMM 2024 Contributed Paper Session

    Endotrivial complexes, January 2024


  • University of Bilkent Algebra Seminar

    Endotrivial complexes, December 2023 (due to the time difference, this talk spanned 2 separate days!)

  • University of Georgia Algebra Seminar

    Endotrivial complexes, November 2023

  • UCSC Mathematics Graduate Student Seminar

    Endotrivial complexes and the trivial source ring, October 2023

  • Algebra and Number Theory in Conversation at Manchester

    Endotrivial complexes and the trivial source ring, September 2023

  • AMS Sectional, Fresno, Special Session on Representation Theory of Non-Semisimple Algebras

    Endotrivial complexes and tensor induction, May 2023

  • JMM 2023 Contributed Paper Session

    Endotrivial complexes and tensor induction, January 2023


  • UCSC Mathematics Graduate Student Seminar

    Endotrivial complexes and tensor induction, November 2022

  • Science on Tap, hosted by SWE, UCSC Chapter

    Checkers, stacks and other fun things: a potpourri of combinatorial puzzles and games, October 2022

  • UCSC Postdoc Symposium

    A splendid lift of equivalences: Lifting p-permutation equivalences to splendid Rickard complexes, May 2022

  • UCSC Mathematics Graduate Student Seminar

    A splendid lift of equivalences: Lifting p-permutation equivalences to splendid Rickard complexes, May 2022

  • UCSC Graduate Student Symposium

    A splendid lift of equivalences: Lifting p-permutation equivalences to splendid Rickard complexes, April 2022


  • UCSC Mathematics Graduate Student Seminar

    Checkers, stacks and other fun things: a potpourri of combinatorial puzzles and games, February 2021


  • MAA MathFest Contributed Session

    Challenging knights tours, August 2018


  • Harvey Mudd Senior Thesis Day

    The combinatorial polynomial Hirsch conjecture, May 2017

  • MAA SoCal/NV Sectional Poster Session

    The combinatorial polynomial Hirsch conjecture, April 2017

Note: Only public speaking appearances are llisted. This list does not include closed-door talks such as reading group presentations or oral examinations.